Why Am I A Cheaten Vegan? Why Aren’t You?

First of all, hats off to all you non-cheaten-vegans. You rock. Including my 27 year old daughter who has been doing it for over a decade. Kudos to you and your PETA-loving, tree-hugging, cause-of-the-week, carnivores-suck, lifestyle. We sincerely commend you. I however clearly – suck. I can do the nutritional yeast on my popcorn and… Continue reading Why Am I A Cheaten Vegan? Why Aren’t You?

Heavenly Eggplant Parm

We love, love LOVE eggplant parmesan. But let me digress. I admittedly had no idea what to do with an eggplant until I married my husband, an Italian New Yorker. He’s the real deal. His family doesn’t eat dinner, they laugh, talk (loudly), share stories and rib each other while grazing on an amazing feast… Continue reading Heavenly Eggplant Parm


Not many foods we love more than lasagna – and this one is crazy full of flavor. Zucchini lasagna with most ingredient that can come from your garden. Don’t you love when it’s that magical time of the year when your backyard is your produce aisle. Fruit trees are in bloom. Garden is brimming with… Continue reading GARDEN FRESH LASAGNA


Ready to get the freshest produce and make some great friendships along the way? This one is a no brainer. Local farmers markets are the holy grail for anyone looking to eat healthy. Freshness abounds. So start here! Most communities have at least one. Maybe even a good co-op. You can typically find one close to your… Continue reading FRESHNESS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD


When I serve these to family and friends I can tell who the real foodies are. Those with adventurous palates like us get big eyed and devour them in wonder. While the rest timidly taste it with a look of confusion on their faces, “Should I be eating a flower?” Yes! They are packed full… Continue reading FRESH STUFFED SQUASH FLOWERS.